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If you have made people smile in your local area with Holly’s Rocks, please tell us about it!

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$250.00 Amex Gift card

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Featured Story of Spreading Happiness

From: Elaine, NY

I read this book to my daughter Hannah, and after reading it Hannah decided she wanted to give people rainbow erasers at our local bakery. Hanna would go there on Saturdays wearing a smile, and hand these colorful erasers to people. When they asked why she would say, “Just to see you smile”.

About The Book

Holly loved her daily adventures with daddy. Almost every day after he came home from work, they’d take a walk together.

One day at the park, Holly asked, “Daddy, what is happiness?” Daddy explained that different things make different people happy. Because each person is unique, there are many ways to be happy and to share that happiness with others.

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